Having a smooth supply chain and maximum profit is a dream of every business owner. When it comes to product quality, ensuring it by conducting quality control is the best solution you can do. However, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all or “set it and forget it” approach. Your quality control process will need to be revisited regularly as your company grows and changes.

Continue reading to learn about some of the warning signs that your quality control inspection needs to be revised.

What are the signs?

If your company starts to discover any of the following warning signs, you must act quickly to protect your company’s reputation, keep your customers satisfied and coming back for more, and minimize lost profit.

1. You’re receiving more customer complaints

If you notice an increase in customer complaints, complaining about the quality of your products including the appearance, strength, or packaging, this can be a huge red flag that something is wrong somewhere in the manufacturing process. Whether the problems arise during the manufacturing process, pre-shipment, or in transit, you’ll need to figure out what’s causing them so you can fix them before you annoy more of your customers.

2. Your customer service team is overwhelmed with support tickets

Related to the first point, if you are seeing your customer service is busy handling customers’ complaints, this can also indicate that there are manufacturing defects in your products. Pay close attention to what your customers are saying is wrong to help you identify what needs to be adjusted or reworked in your products to solve the problem.

3. The number of returns or refund requests is rising

A consistent or even a significant increase in returned products or refund requests from your customers is a clear indication that many of them are dissatisfied with your product. Whether it’s defective items that were missed during quality control checks or unproperly packed products that resulted in damaged products during the shipping process that is making your customers unhappy, it’s critical to identify and resolve the problem as soon as possible.

4. Too many products are not passed the quality control inspections

Having several low-quality or defective products during the manufacturing process is unavoidable, but if you see too many products that do not pass the quality check during the inspection, something is clearly wrong in the manufacturing process. To reduce your company’s losses, you should identify and resolve the problem as soon as possible.

5. Failed product inspections

No business owner wants to fail a product inspection, it can serve as a necessary wake-up call to identify issues and provide an opportunity to improve your quality control service and prevent many of the same problems from occurring in the future. 

Excellencial as your eyes in Indonesia

Product inspection is the key element of quality control in Indonesia. This service will give you more information about your product’s quality from the very beginning until it will be shipped. 

Excellencial independent third-party inspection services in Indonesia will provide you with confidence that your products comply with both your standards and government regulations. For more information about product inspection in Indonesia, you can find it here or contact us here today

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