One of the most difficult issues for many importers is ensuring that the quality of the products meets all the quality standards and customers’ expectations.

To prevent or at least minimize this issue, importers should take several preventive actions, such as purchasing items with open account terms, to ensure that they only purchase high-quality goods from their suppliers. However, because many exporters refuse to deal with open account payment conditions, this precaution may be sufficient to ensure the quality of the goods.

Another option that many importers could do to minimize the quality issue is by conducting a Pre-Shipment Inspection. It is an efficient and effective way to ensure that the items are having not really much damage and meet all of your standards and specifications.

Why is pre-shipment inspection important?

There are several benefits that you can get by conducting a pre-shipment inspection, such as: 

• Determine the types of problems and the percentage of products that have defects.

• To check the quality of the products and see if it meets the specifications.

• Determine whether the shipping marks, packing, and labeling are correct.

• Determine whether the product works properly or not.

• Saving time and money by avoiding losses and delays caused by the wrong product.

Hiring a reputable and dependable quality control company may be the solution for you as an importer in order to prevent losses and dangers in dealing with bad-quality products. It is because a pre-shipment inspection can ensure that you pay for the products that are exactly your standards.

Benefits of hiring a reliable quality inspection company


You will have minimal communication problems if you are conducting an inspection with a reputable third-party inspection company. The inspector will be effectively communicating in both the local language and English language. This will help you to minimize the language gap between you and your supplier so that the supplier will understand your standards and specifications in manufacturing your products. 


Hiring a professional inspection company that already has great integrity can be one of your benefits. Because they have to follow strict policies that forbid their quality inspector to accept any gifts or other benefits from the supplier to influence their decision and report. So, you will know exactly what is happening to your products before you decided to ship them to your warehouse. 


A good and professional quality control company will let you decide your needs. They will be flexible to your wants and requests, such as requiring an inspection report in a specific format or requesting that the inspector use a specific type of testing procedure. To avoid the last-minute headache, reserve the service within a few days of a planned order.


One of the most main advantages of hiring a third-party inspection company is saving your time and money. Because relying on your supplier’s inspection can be a risky action as they might be saying that all their products are in a good quality, but in fact, the products have several damages that make you unable to sell them once they arrived in your warehouse. 

Conducting a Pre-Shipment Inspection will bring many benefits for your business. 

Excellencial can assist you in avoiding defective products before they leave the factory by conducting product quality control audits and inspections. 

We are here to help you make the best decision. The Pre-Shipment Inspection in Indonesia is the last chance to stay on top of things. If the goods are not acceptable, you can, with our help, cease the shipping process and confront your vendor directly without getting any surprises when you have received the goods.

Contact us today to learn more about Quality Inspection in Indonesia.

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