Fashion trend is dynamic as it changes every season. For instance, in Spring or Summer 2019 the tartan pattern rose and appeared in Paris Fashion Week as seen on Christian Dior collection. Then in 2020 as the pandemic forced people to stay at home, much or less it influenced the fashion trend. The Tie-Dye style has seen everywhere representing freedom, rule-breaking, and individuality style, which we are craving for in 2020. Besides, its coziness and chic-look make tie-dye trend continue in 2021 and become everyone’s favorite motif. As an importer, tie-dye patterned clothes are a must in your order list considering this trend is not end yet.

Dior collections using tartan patterned in Paris Fashion Week 2019

In nowadays complex and evolving fashion industry, defective and low-quality products could influence your brand reputation and revenue. To prevent these issues, especially when importing from Indonesia, Importers have to set up the appropriate quality control programs in order to make sure the supplier deliver the goods on time, to meet all the relevant regulatory and safety requirements of the products, and to fulfill the quality criteria of end consumers. 

Excellencial offers soft lines inspection services in Indonesia to ensure the quality of your products. These include fashion accessories, footwear, textile, and apparel. We check and verify not only the product’s quality but also the specification, function, appearance, and other compliances with relevant standards applicable to your product’s destination such as AATCC, PSC, FTC, and ISO.

Main tests performed during an inspection of Softlines:

  • Function check
  • Fitting test
  • GSM test
  • Smell test
  • Stitches per inch check
  • Metal detection check
  • Abuse test
  • Seam strength test
  • Rub test for colorfastness
  • Adhesive test on logo and labels
  • Stuffing material check
  • Carton drop test
  • Moisture content test on product
  • Humidity test on export cartons

Contact us for more information of Softline Product Inspection in Indonesia.

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